
BaliBALI, Indonesia -- Before the terrorists bombings in Kuta and Denpasar in 2002, Bali was thought of primarily as a tropical island paradise. For me, it was a way station, a place I had to pass through on the way to somewhere else. As far as I can tell, I took only two photos anywhere near Bali, this and another one at the beginning of a ferry between trip Bali and Lombok. I took the photos as the ferry approached the Balinese terminal at Padangbai. The view is north toward Gunung Agung, the massive volcano that dominates the northern portion of the island.

Gunung Agung

From my field notebook

Tuesday, April 23, 1996. Indonesia: Lombok: Ampenan: I went to Bali today. I flew over in the morning to stash some stuff at the airport. Then I went over to Sanur to get some money from the American Express Travel Services office at the Hotel Grand Bali Beach. I bought [Alfred Russel] Wallace's The Malay Archipelago at a bookstore there. Then I hired a taxi to go to Ubud and to raid bookstores there, and bought [Odoardo] Beccari's Wanderings in the Great Forests of Borneo, Tom Harrison's The World Within, and David Attenborough's Zoo Quest for a Dragon. Then [the taxi driver and I] went to Padangbai [so I could] catch the ferry to Lombok. I met Helena Coutaux, a lovely French woman who now lives in England; Theirry, her boyfriend; and two gorgeous young English women, Lucy [Noel-Buxton] and Anna [Harrison-Munay]. The ferry ride was fun. Back at the Hotel Zahir I had dinner with a guy from Colorado, then had a long, deep conversation with Hetty van Dorp, from Holland.

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